gsx proflie to the a380 

Extract the folder in : %appdata%-roaming-virtuali-Airplanes 

This is an A380 converted from FSX with a working cockpit. We put the A320Neo cockpit inside the A380. Even though there are only 2 throttles in the cockpit, if you set up your MSFS settings to control 4 engines all the engines will be controllable. We have given the A380 a new Flight Model, Added the A320 cockpit which works surprisingly well! As well as many other things that are coming soon such as a Cabin!

Credits: Full credit to the Project Airbus team who made the A380 exterior model originally for FSX

Known Issues

Only engine 1 & 2 animations work
Only engine 1 reverse thrust animations work
The cockpit isn't in the correct positon
The A380 is also Shared Cockpit/YourControls compatible as well as compatible with A32NX and the base A320Neo

Also, a MASSIVE thank you to all the people in the Aircraft Mega Pack server, especially Clink as this would have not been possible without him!

The external model was converted with the Legacy Model Importer